The Anagram Genius Directory (UK Politics)

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The UK Politics


Alistair Campbell Anthony Blair Anthony Blair, Labour Leader Anthony Charles Lynton Blair
Anthony Neil Wedgwood Benn Arthur Nicholas Winston Soames Beatrice Boothroyd Bernie Ecclestone
Betty Boothroyd, Speaker Brian Mahwinney Care in the Community Charity begins at home
Christine and Neil Hamilton Christine Hamilton Conservative Central Office Cool Britannia
David Mellor Dennis Skinner Doctor Brian Mawhinney Douglas Richard Hurd
Enoch Powell Equal opportunities Essex County Council First Lord of the Treasury
General Election Gyles Daubeney Brandreth Heseltine High Court judges
Houses of Parliament Humphrey the Downing Street Cat Ian Paisley Ian Richard Kyle Paisley
James Gordon Brown Jeffrey Archer, Novelist John Leslie Prescott Jonathan Aitken, perjury defendant
Kenneth Robert Livingstone Liberal Democrats Manchester City Council Margaret Hilda Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher Members of Parliament Michael Heseltine Michael Portillo
Michael Ray Dibdin Heseltine Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Transport Mohammed Al Fayed, British subject
Mohammed Al Fayed, owner of Harrods New Labour Norman Lamont Norman Tebbit
Paddy Ashdown Peter Mandelson Prime Minister Blair Prime Minister Tony Blair
Robin Finalyson Cook Roy Hattersley Roy Sydney George Hattersley Rt Hon William Hague MP
Scottish National Party Scottish Nationals Sebastian Coe Shirley Williams
Single European Act Sir Bernard Ingham Sir Leon Brittan Sir Patrick Barnabas Burke Mayhew
Sir Patrick Mayhew Ted Heath Teresa Gorman Thatcherism
The Community Charge The Conservative Party The Department for Education The Downing Street Years
The Green Party The Green Shoots of Recovery The House of Commons The House of Lords
The Houses of Parliament The Labour Manifesto The Labour Party The Labour Party Conference
The Liberal Democratic Party The Millenium Dome The National Health Service The New Year's Honours List
The Reverend Ian Paisley The Right Honourable Virginia Bottomley MP The Right Honourable William Hague The Ulster Unionist Party
The Welsh Nationalists Tony Blair Tony Blair, Labour Leader Tony Blair PM
Ulster Unionist Party Virginia Bottomley Virginia Bottomley, Health Secretary Virginia Bottomley, Heritage Secretary
Westminster City Council William Arthur Waldegrave MP William Hague MP William Waldegrave
William Waldegrave MP Young Conservatives Youth Training Scheme

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